Sian Campbell – MYP Director
Sian Campbell is an award winning Senior Enterprise Fellow in the Department of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour at Southampton Business School. She is a Chartered Psychologist, a member of the British Psychological Society, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute.
As the Maritime Sector (People and Place) Lead in the Southampton Business School, Sian works across departments and with regional and national partners to drive the skills and employer engagement agenda as part of the University’s commitment to playing a leading role as a Civic partner. She has a strong consultancy background in economic development, regeneration, and leadership training and development and has worked extensively with senior executives and politicians as a mentor and facilitator to deliver local, regional and national change.
Paul Kemp – Professor of ecological engineering
Paul Kemp is a Professor of Ecological Engineering at the University of Southampton. His research relates to understanding the complex systems linked to integrated natural resource management, particularly in relation to marine and freshwater fisheries, and how shocks (e.g. infrastructure development, climate change, pandemics) can influence those systems. Specific applications relate to how understanding of the behavioural ecology of fish can help solve challenges in sustainable water and energy engineering, particularly on how the physical environment influences the behaviour and physiological performance of fish, and how manipulation of that environment by engineering means can be used to mitigate for negative impacts of water and energy resource development. Paul has several senior leadership roles acting as the Director of the International Centre for Ecohydraulics Research, Centres for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Infrastructure Systems and
Sustainable Infrastructure for Cities, and the University of Southampton’s Future Towns Innovation Hub